Hypothesis: That the education process on which teachers and students rely in our classrooms meets the needs of neither students nor their teachers.
In a blogpost of December 30th of 2024, Diane Ravitch reposted an article from the blog[i] of Joyce Vance, a veteran US Attorney for the Northern District of Alabama, in which she wrote about what she believes to be the root cause of Donald Trump’s appeal to American voters. That root cause, she says, is “low-information voters who are hoodwinked by his lies and believe he will fight for them. Ha. Not funny.”
This could not be truer and begs the question, “what can we do to ensure our citizens are better informed and not so easily swayed by charlatans of any kind?
The answer, of course, is provide a higher quality education to ensure our children enter adulthood with the prerequisite knowledge and skills they will need to understand the world and its people, provide for themselves and their families, abide by the rule of law, add value to society, understand the U.S. Constitution and the role of government; and participate in their own governance by making informed choices about the cogent issues of their day.
It is my assertion that despite the extraordinary and heroic efforts of teachers, the percentage of high school students that are graduating having earned C’s, D’s, and F’s, is untenable and has been so for decades.
Ironically, the standardized test scores about which public school educators and advocates complain, verify what I believe should be obvious. If a student is unable to demonstrate proficiency on chapter tests given immediately after a lesson, why should we be surprised those same students are unable to demonstrate proficiency on state exams, given in the spring, or NAEP Assessments, whenever administered.
The lesson to be garnered from these data is that standardized tests measure the efficacy of the education process in which teachers are expected to teach and students are expected to learn. The assessments do not measure the performance of teachers or the ability of students to learn. Teachers can only teach the way they are allowed to teach and students can only learn what they have an opportunity to learn.
Rather than defend themselves from the disappointing outcomes of their students on standardized tests, educators—particularly public-school educators and their advocates—should use this long record of disappointing outcomes as evidence of a need for transformational change in the way we “structure, organize, task, staff, and resource our classrooms and how we evaluate student achievement and teacher performance.”
Whenever I convince teachers to examine an education model I have designed to reinvent the education process, there response is instructive.
“. . . this won’t work in my classroom. I barely have time to do what my students need of me today, how can I possibly do everything your model expects of me?”
My response is:
“Exactly! That is the correct question.”
Teachers cannot do everything their students need of them unless they are working with and within a model/process that supports responding to the disparate needs of a diverse population of students, in an environment in which learning is the only thing that counts. Once a student has learned how to use what they have learned in life, how long it took them is inconsequential.
Although published in 2013, my novel “Light and Transient Causes” has never been timelier than it is today. Many are saying the 2024 election will determine the future of democracy in America. Read a story about the consequences of electing the wrong person to be President of the United States.
– Mel Hawkins, Author
Please check out the following book reviews:
– Carol W., at Amazon.com:
“Mel: WOW! I just finished your novel, Light and Transient Causes. . . . I could list a million of adjectives (definitely positive ones) in describing this book, as well as the emotions it put me through. . . . Without a doubt, it gave me a lot to think about, especially when listening to the news and what is going on in our country. . . . I loved it!”
– Turneeditor, at Amazon.com:
“Your novel is wonderful!”– “5.0 out of 5 stars A gripping story with believable characters. . . .
“Light and Transient Causesis a breathtaking work. In some ways it seems like a combination of Tom Clancy and Spike Lee, but there is much, much more.“
I was struck by the portrayal of a dystopian America, by the touching portrayals of family life, and by the growth in many of the characters. One of the things that I appreciate about this novel is its depiction of the dilemmas that many of the characters face and how they often have second thoughts about their actions. . . .“. . . has great relevance . . . and may serve as a warning about things to come in the post-Trump United States.”
– Grady Harp, Hall of Fame, Top 100 Reviewer, posted at Amazon.com:
“Powerful, and tightly written. . . Hawkins’ skill at erasing time barriers and including portions of elements that are very much with us adds to the terror of this theme.”
– Vermont Reviewer posted at Amazon.com:
“This one will become a future classic. [It} reminded me of other classics like 1984 and Animal Farm. Well written and certainly one that will make you think long after you finish reading it. . . a solid five stars.”
– BBB Gran, posted at Amazon.com:
“I don’t give 5 stars usually but this book deserves that and more. . . . Well written, well plotted, character development and dialog were excellent. Well done Mel Hawkins, well done!”
– Cindi Chubbs, posted at Amazon.com:
“Excellent book with a ton of action. . . . Mel Hawkins keeps the plot tight and clean while keeping the reader entertained. Hawkins also has brilliant insights . . . .”
– Charlie B, posted at Amazon.com:
“This is a superb book. . . . Mel Hawkins has done a splendid job in juggling all the twists, turns and complications of this very believable novel. Books like this don’t come along very often. . . .”
– Brian, posted at Onlinebookclub.org:
“I was fascinated by the book and fearful at the same time. . . . It’s chilling in the sense that it’s all possible in the world we live in today. Awesome read!”
– Cody Mathews, posted at Onlinebookclub.org:
“The best book I have read this year [2013]. . . . Absolutely, hands down, knock off your socks book to keep you wanting more. . . . I have read many war novels that fell short with battle scenes; this book was right on the money. . . .”
– RMB, posted on Amazon.com:
“Spell binding. It is a captivating story that could become reality. . . .”
In a recent Tweet, our colleague, Amy Fast, @fastcrayon wrote:
“I too often take for granted that people who consistently demonstrate excellence need and deserve feedback too. . . . We need to take care of our people.”
This is an important lesson in so many ways. We all need affirmation. It is important that we feel appreciated. We need to believe the work we do and the effort we make is observed and valued. Many managers are so focused on looking for things people do wrong and need to improve upon they rarely give positive feedback, even to the best people in their organization.
During the early years of my leadership and organizational development consulting career, I had an opportunity to witness an extreme example of a boss whose total focus was on the things his people did badly. I included this anecdote in a book on Positive Leadership I wrote and self-published in 1980. I used the book as resource material in the many Positive Leadership seminars I gave to the employees of my own organizations, of many of my consulting clients, as well as through the Continuing Education Program of Indiana-Purdue University of Fort Wayne (Now Purdue University of Fort Wayne).. The book was updated and republished in 2013 with the title, The Difference Is You: Power through Positive Leadership[i],.
Here is the excerpt about an owner, who started his business out of his garage and turned it into a multi-million-dollar company:
“I spent some time with the owner of a small but profitable company with only seven employees. The owner was constantly complaining about how difficult it was to get good help.
“No one wants to work anymore!” he cried. “They don’t appreciate what a good thing they have, working here.”
He wore his frustration out where everyone could see, which caused a great deal of consternation among his people.
“I can do every job in the company,” he boasted, “better than my people!”
“I see,” was my reply and then I asked, “How much are you paying these people?”
“Probably close to $200,000 per year,” he responded, in shock as if he had seen that number for the first time. “My God!” he continued, “You would think for that kind of money I could buy some decent help.”
I thought for a moment and then responded, “I think I’ve got a simple solution for you. In fact, it’s so simple I’m surprised you haven’t thought of it yourself.”
He didn’t say anything right away but just looked at me. Finally, he asked, “How much is this going to cost me?”
“Well, it’s such a simple solution I am almost embarrassed to charge you anything at all. But, since I would soon go broke if I gave away free advice, why don’t I bill you for one hour of my time and we will call it even.”
My client was skeptical, but we shook hands on the deal. “Okay! What is this simple solution?”
“Just get rid of all of your staff,” I announced, “and do all the work yourself! You do it better anyway and then you can pocket the $200,000 in payroll costs every year. Heck, in a few years you’ll be able to retire on the money you save.”
Needless to say, my client was not particularly happy with my suggestion and he, “damn sure wasn’t going to pay me for a ridiculous piece of advice like that.”
When he finally calmed down, we discussed his attitudes at some length because it was his attitude that was the problem. He finally acknowledged that he could not be everywhere at once or do all the jobs at the same time and, in fact, after much gnashing of teeth, he admitted that he needed his people. He acknowledged that, in spite of all his knowledge and expertise, he was incapable of running his business by himself.
As we talked about his attitudes, he began to see that the message he conveyed, daily, to his people was that they should be grateful for their jobs and to him for giving them jobs. He routinely conveyed his lack of appreciation for them and his lack of trust and respect for them. Not once had it occurred to him to thank his people or tell them how important their contributions were to the success of his business.”
Sadly, giving formal performance assessments in many businesses and other employment environments has devolved into a grading process that documents success or lack thereof, not unlike the grades we give in our schools and classrooms. When giving performance assessments to adults in the workplace, or to children in school, the focus should be on the two-sided practice of recognizing and celebrating excellence, on the one hand, and identifying learning and development opportunities, on the other. If our focus is on helping people at work or children in school do the best job of which they are capable, master their jobs or subject matter, and learn how to create success for themselves, it is imperative that we do both.
[i] Hawkins, Mel, The Difference is You: Power Through Positive Leadership, Createspace (an Amazon format), 2013
What we hear on the news, night after night, is how concerned educators and parents are that their kids have fallen behind during the almost a year and a half of a pandemic that has placed the entire world in turmoil. It seems only logical we are striving to figure out how to help students catch up. The question is, catch up with what?
Educators and parents are encouraged to step back and rethink their concern about the need for students to catch up and get back to where they would have been had their lives not been so unexpectedly disrupted, for what seemed like forever. Unfortunately, none of us can go back to where we used to be or where we think we should be. Life is forcing us to create a new normal and this presents us with an incredible opportunity to change the course of history.
Educators are preparing to make decisions that will have long-term consequences for every single one of our children, so let us be sure to make the best decisions possible. The truth is, we cannot help students catch up nor should we.
We must change our perspective so that we can understand our students are not behind—”they are where they are,” to paraphrase a popular idiom.
Our challenge must not be to return to our practice of pushing kids ahead more quickly than they are ready, which has long been one of the most devastating flaws in our existing education process. Most of our students have been pushed ahead before they were ready from one lesson to the next, since Kindergarten.
Educators worry about test results, but what test results have revealed, for decades, is whole populations of students who are behind where someone thought they ought to be. Our interpretation should be something else, altogether. What test results reveal is that what we have been doing has not worked for millions of children. Do we really want to repeat the mistakes of the past?
Let us re-clarify, for ourselves as well as for our students, that our mission is and has always been:
“to help children learn as much as they are able at their own best pace, in route to whatever future they will choose for themselves, some day.”
We must have no illusions our children will all end up in the same place on graduation day, all headed in the same direction, any more than we should cling to the illusion they should all be at the same point today, or any other day, on an arbitrary academic development track.
Not only is it true “they are where they are!” it is equally true “what they know is what they know, not what we think they ought to know!”
It is from what they know, today, that our schools should restart the marathon, helping students along a path to get where they will someday want or need to be, at their own best pace; not a pace designated by arbitrary standards and schedules.
A truth we already know but must be reminded of is millions of children start from behind on their first day of school and most of them never catch up; not because they are incapable of catching up rather because the education process is not structured so that helping them catch up is a priority.
Our initial goal must be to help all students build a solid academic foundation and a healthy self-esteem on which they can create their own unique futures. It does not matter who gets where, first; what matters is learning enough to give themselves meaningful choices.
What matters, whether we are talking about reading, writing, math, science, social studies, or learning how to ride a bicycle, is not how fast they learn, or how quickly they make up lost ground. The only thing that matters is whether they have learned to ride that bike and utilize everything else they have learned to get to where they need to be or to go. Our objective must be applied academics—how well can young people apply in real life, all they have learned.
We do our students no favor by pushing them beyond the cusp of their capabilities. Instead, we must remind ourselves, repeatedly, everything our students learn today becomes the pre-requisite knowledge and skill they will need to learn the lessons of tomorrow and all the tomorrows that follow. If they reach a point where their portfolio of pre-requisite knowledge and skills is empty, we have set them up for failure; the kind of failure from which many of them will never recover.
One of the exciting things about teaching kids to think of success as a process is once they master that process, their pace of learning will accelerate until the next thing we know they have progressed further than they could ever have gone had our minds been focused on catching up.
This past weekend, I was pleased to receive an invitation to help @LeeAraoz prepare for a presentation by sharing my experience with growth mindset. I was asked to post a video on his growth mindset Flipgrid.
Because of a combination of not figuring out how to post my video on his Flipgrid, and the distraction of yet another in a long series of remodeling problems on our home, I missed my opportunity. Given my belief in the importance of a growth mindset, I will share my thoughts, here.
When I first heard the term “growth mindset, I had to
stop and think about what it meant. After a little research, I was excited to discover
that I have been talking about and teaching the concept for decades. In my
leadership consulting practice, I referred to the concept of learning continuously
as striving for “relentless improvement.”
I much prefer the more apt and elegant descriptor, “growth
I have long believed that this focus on relentless improvement, growth, and learning is an essential tool of positive leadership, whether as a manager or supervisor in a business organization, a principal of a school, or a teacher in the classroom. We must always strive to pry open our minds to growth. We must be willing to challenge our assumptions at any point in time as we work to be better at what we do and produce better outcomes.
Change and growth are an essential part of life for
both people and organizations. When the outcomes we produce tell us something
is not working, doing nothing is irresponsible. It is a silly analogy, I know,
but imagine changing the decorations on a cake but never baking a new cake.
Sooner or later you’ll have a mess on your hands.
Someone, many years ago, shared with me the advice of
a ski instructor, who said:
“if you are not falling down once in a while, you are
not really skiing.”
When we extend ourselves to the cusp of our knowledge
and experience, we fall down. It’s what we all do; it is how we learn. The best
advice I can give people is “don’t sweat the mistakes
we make, celebrate them.”
“Stop complaining,” is another challenge I offer to current or aspiring positive leaders. Complaints are the province of the weak and powerless. When unhappy about some aspect of your life, job, or organization, instead of complaining, offer a better idea or solution. If you do not have a better idea or alternate approach of your own, become a positive advocate for someone else’s proposal for change. If no one has a better idea, put your heads together and discover one.
There will always be a better way if we take the time
and teach ourselves how to search for it. Train your mind to push the boundaries
of your imagination, to reject complacency, to ask tough questions, and
challenge your assumptions. Nothing hampers a growth mindset like complacency
and inertia.
My mission in life, for the past decade, has been to stop the failure of disadvantaged kids. These kids are not destined to fail, and they do not struggle because they are incapable of learning, or because they have bad teachers and bad schools. If we listen to these kids, and observe their behavior, it becomes apparent that they are “street smart.” They learn what is important to them and they learn what works for them in their unique environments. The only way to convince them that what we are striving to teach them is important is by convincing them, through our words and actions, that they are important.
Growth mindset is an essential tool of positive leadership.
When disadvantaged kids struggle and fail in school it
is because the education process in which their
teachers are expected to teach does not allow them to give every student the time,
support, and attention they need to overcome their disadvantages. Those
disadvantages, un-remediated, leave young people at the mercy of discrimination.
Until teachers give up, themselves, and leave the profession
they chose with such high hopes and aspirations, I can assure you they do everything
they can to give kids the time and attention they need to learn. The education process
in which teachers are expected to work, however, is not structured to support them in that
effort. The education process at work in American schools, both public and
private, has become brittle and unresponsive to the changes taking place in the
world in which their students must live and teachers must work.
The moment a process, product, service, or idea can no longer be improved is the point at which it becomes obsolete.
Never underestimate your power to influence to the
world around you. Cultivate a growth mindset for yourselves and create an environment
that fosters relentless growth and learning for the people around you.
The following graphic speaks eloquently about the problems in public education in America; problems that exist in spite of the heroic efforts of teachers.
Fort Wayne and South Bend are two of Indiana’s greatest cities and both have many cultural, educational, business, and recreational resources to offer to their citizens. As is true in so many medium- to intermediate-sized communities (populations of 100,000 to 300,000), both communities have diverse populations. What is also characteristic of such communities is the existence of urban, suburban, and rural public-school districts. Both Fort Wayne Community Schools and the South Bend Community School Corporation, within their district boundaries, have a high proportion of children of color; children from families that are on the lower end of the income continuum, regardless of color; and, the largest percentage children for whom English is a second language. By virtually any criteria, in diverse communities, both have the highest percentage of kids that could be thought of as disadvantaged students.
Both school districts are led by some of the most highly educated and experienced administrators in the State of Indiana. They are staffed by a diverse faculty of teachers who have been educated in the nation’s finest colleges and universities and who are represented by the same unions and associations as their colleagues from Indiana and around the nation. Teacher salaries are within the same range as other area school districts that compete for qualified teachers and typically exceed teacher salaries the community’s parochial schools offer.
These school districts also offer a variety of programs for students with a broad range of special needs. And, so there are no misunderstandings, they teach to the same academic standards as must teachers in every other school in their state. They also continue to make the best investments in their school buildings and equipment as their constituents will permit.
Both cities have been my hometowns in major parts of my life, and I am proud to have lived in South Bend and Fort Wayne, Indiana. I graduated from one of the two districts, as did all three of my younger siblings, and I spent the greater part of my life and career in the other. All three of my children attended and graduated from Fort Wayne Community Schools and went on to earn both undergraduate and graduate degrees in their chosen fields of interest. There, I also spent ten years as a substitute teacher. Although my wife and I are in the process of moving from Fort Wayne, that decision had nothing to do with the quality of life offered by the community. We will always love Fort Wayne.
We have the greatest possible respect for the dedicated teachers and administrators of both school districts. We also have a family member who is a principal in one of the school districts and who strives, every day, to make a difference in the lives of his students.
The graphic is offered to illustrate how the combined student bodies from these fine school districts struggle, academically, despite the heroic efforts of public school teachers, not because of them. In this post, I will provide only a few highlights of the data and what I believe they tell us . My new book will allow readers to delve more deeply in the data.
These two school districts are like a thousand other school districts of comparable size and demographics and this just begins to reveal the sheer size of the crisis in public education in America. If we take the total number of students that are struggling in these two districts, divide that number by two, and then multiply it by the estimated one thousand school districts in America of comparable size and demographics, we are talking about eight million school children. Let me repeat that number: approximately 8,000,000 kids.
Add numbers from the roughly fifteen thousand other school districts in the U.S. that are smaller, larger, richer, poorer, and more segregated and the numbers are both staggering and compelling. Anyone who denies that we have a crisis in public education in America must be challenged to take another look and, yes, the degree to which the validity of state competency exams is questioned, is understood.
The only
reason to question the validity of state competency exams is that they are
utilized to evaluate the quality and effectiveness of teachers and public
schools and this author shares the conviction that their use for that purpose
be categorically rejected.
What educators
dare not reject, however, is that, with all the imperfections of standardized
competency exams, they are still a measure of the ability of children to
demonstrate their mastery of the subject matter set out for them by academic
standards of their state.
The essential purposes of this work is to show that this is nowhere near the best we can do for our nation’s children, and to offer a solution. It is a solution engineered to give every child a quality education to develop the knowledge and skills they will need to identify and then pursue their dreams and aspirations. Equality in education is the categorical imperative of our time.
other essential purpose of this work is to give the millions of men and women
who have chosen to serve our nation and its children as educators, an education
model that will allow them to become the teachers they envisioned when they
chose to enter this demanding profession. They chose teaching because of their
desire to make a difference in the lives of kids and in their communities and
we must enable, not just allow, them to do their jobs to the absolute best of
their ability.
is this author’s sincere belief that there is nothing we can do as a society
that will have a greater impact on the quality of life of the American people, both
individually and collectively, than creating an education process that will prepare
all our young people to meet the unprecedented and unimaginable challenges the
balance of this 21st Century will present.
Work on my new book is well underway and it will lay out the education model I have created in great detail. In the interim, the reader is invited to view the latest version of my education model at https://melhawkinsandassociates.com/education-model-white-paper/
will also find a copy of the white paper written to lay the logical foundation
for the model. Please read not in search of reasons to reject rather so you
might envision what it would be like to teach in such and environment. Please
share it with your friends and colleagues.
It is not unusual to hear public school teachers express concern that all the recognition and celebration is directed to “high-achieving students.” Rarely is attention paid to the students who worked hard to receive a lesser grade and many teachers question why the effort of the latter group is not acknowledged and celebrated.
It is a tragedy that so many children go through school without ever having their accomplishments celebrated; the last thing they need, however, is a “participation trophy.” The tragedy is not that we never celebrate the accomplishments of low-performing students rather that they rarely have accomplishments worthy of celebration.
This raises the question, why are we content to preserve an education process that produces such disparate results?
Just because a student does not understand a lesson the first time through, does not mean they are incapable of learning and understanding. It just means they need more time and they need an education process that allows teachers to adapt what they do to respond to a student’s unique needs. Rarely do we give kids an opportunity to keep working until they learn. On the few occasions that we find a way to give kids the extra time to learn, it is because we found a way to circumvent the education process not because the malleability of the process gave us the freedom to innovate.
The current education process is structured like a competition that assumes that all kids are on a level playing field. It rewards the students who learn the most the fastest. Even worse, it requires that we grade kids on how much they have learned in an arbitrary timeframe and then record that score next to their name. Worst of all, we push the students onward without the prerequisite knowledge they will need to be successful on subsequent lessons, not to mention as adult citizens of a participatory democracy.
We go to great lengths to help a student qualify for graduation even though they are unable to perform at the level expected of them with reference to academic standards. It is as if having a piece of parchment that says they qualify for graduation will excuse them when they are unable to qualify for or do a job; when they apply for college admission or seek enlistment in the Armed Services.
What does a young man or woman do when they are unable to obtain and keep a decent job or pursue other meaningful opportunities because they lack the basic skills required to make a place for themselves in mainstream society? If these young adults are black or other minorities the challenges they face are often insurmountable and they are left at the mercy of discrimination. We wonder why so many find themselves in prison or are the victims of an early, violent death. We wonder why so many of them live in poverty and produce new generations of children with needs for which our education process is unequipped to meet.
We shake our heads in bewilderment when so many American voters seem willing to believe anything said by the leaders of whatever political point of view to which they are loyal. Do we not see the connection that we have sent millions of young men and women out into society without the knowledge and skills necessary to evaluate the critical issues of the day and to think independently?
Public school educators seem unable to understand that the motivation of education reformers, as poorly conceived as their solutions might be, is a result of their dissatisfaction with public education and the quality of high school graduates. They are dissatisfied customers seeking to replace their supplier.
The existing education process restricts our teachers’ ability to give students the close personal relationships they need to be healthy, both emotionally and intellectually. The process does not permit teachers to formally assess each student’s level of academic preparedness and, then, design a learning path to meet their unique needs. It does not allow teachers to give students the time and attention they need to learn. It does not give kids however many attempts they need to be able to demonstrate that they understand. The education process is not set up to help kids learn as much as they are able at their own best pace. It does not help them learn well enough that they can apply what they have learned in real-life situations.
Rather than seeking ways to help teachers deal with the stress and frustration of teaching a classroom of kids who have lost hope, have stopped trying, and have begun acting out, why don’t we address the root causes of both the frustration of our teachers and our students’ lost hope. We do not because it is difficult if not impossible for people to stop and look at the big picture when they are immersed in what they are doing; when they are, as the old saying goes, “up to their necks in a swamp full of alligators.”
Low-performing students, particularly the disadvantaged, have become a norm in public education, particularly in racially and economically diverse communities. While I believe most public school teachers and administrators believe that these kids can learn, one must wonder how many teachers and administrators have come to believe this is the best we can expect.
What educators must do is find a vantage point from which they can see the entire education process, as an integral whole, and then ask themselves whether they are doing what they should be doing. The fact that our classrooms, grade-levels, and the way we organize teachers and students has been in place for generations does not mean it is the only way to do what we do.
We should be asking:
• “Does the education process exist to drive our purpose or should our mission drive the education process?”
• “Does the education process exist to serve children and their teachers or are teachers and their students expected to sacrifice their wants, needs, personalities, and unique capabilities in conformance with the structure or process?” and, finally;
• “Are academic standards a representative guideline of what we think kids need to know in order to have meaningful choices in life, or is it both a road map and time table of how students should get from point A to Z, no matter what their individual potential, capabilities, and interests?”
My challenge to public school teachers, administrators, and policy makers is to believe that designing and creating an education model that can be molded around teachers and students is a simple human-engineering project no different than designing any other production process. All it requires is that we open our hearts and minds to the belief that there is a better way to do what we do and the faith and hope that it can be found just beyond the boundaries of conventional wisdom.
I offer my education model, as an example, of an education process that enables teachers to develop and master their craft for the sole purpose of helping every child develop their God-given potential.
Educators understand that our students deserve the absolute best that their teachers have to give and also that teachers deserve the gratification that comes from our students’ success. Similarly, many of you recognize that giving kids the time and attention they deserve is often made difficult by the existing education process. You also know that in this environment, made toxic by high-stakes testing, it is hard for teachers to feel appreciated when test results are used, not as a diagnostic tool to help us do a better job, rather to justify blaming teachers and our public schools for the problems in public education
Teachers who have been around for a while know that the teaching profession has been under-appreciated for decades and they have seen many colleagues burn out and leave the profession they entered with such high hopes, expectations, and dedication.
The fact is that the world has changed exponentially over the last half century while the education process has remained relatively static. Certainly, new tools, techniques and technologies have been introduced but not all have made a teacher’s job easier. Many do not work the way they were envisioned in every teaching environment or for all students. Incremental reforms have been going on throughout the lifetimes of most of us and the best measure of their lack of success is the dread teachers feel in the anticipation of a new wave of education reforms.
I urge teachers to consider that there is an entire field of knowledge with respect to organizations and the processes utilized to serve each organization’s mission and purpose and to achieve their objectives. One of the things organizational leaders and specialists come to understand is that a process that continues to produce unacceptable outcomes, no matter how hard people work or how qualified they may be, cannot be patched, jury-rigged, or duct taped to fix that which is broken. Neither can new tools and technologies be utilized to fix an obsolete process any more than we can adapt a 747 for a trip to the moon. Elsewhere I have used the parable of new wine in old wineskins to illustrate why we haven’t been successful in fixing public education for every student through the introduction of new methodologies and technologies.
Systems are complex logical processes where the internal mechanisms that have been designed to serve the organization’s mission and purpose are integrated and interdependent. Like complex software, when we mess with the internal logic without understanding the whole, our changes will reverberate through the process creating an adverse impact on our outcomes and for our customers. Such patchwork solutions also make the work more difficult for every organization’s most valuable resource; its people. Even the best processes will degrade over time, no matter what we do.
The process utilized to reinvent an obsolete process can be replicated in almost any venue. It begins with:
• A re-clarification of an organization’s mission and purpose;
• Listening to and understanding our customer’s ever-changing requirements;
• Challenging all of our assumptions about what we do and why;
• Listening, also, to the people on whom we depend to produce our goods and services and who see flaws of the underperforming process in real time;
• Research to makes sure we are using state-of-the-art tools and technology;
• Creating a process designed to produce the outcomes we seek and that supports all of the people and resources engaged in that effort;
• A performance management system to solicit feedback and measure outcomes against expectations, not to fix blame but to help us learn from mistakes;
• To problem-solve disparate outcomes in a relentless pursuit of excellence; and, finally,
• Research and development to anticipate changes in the dynamic environment and marketplace in which we live and work.
I encourage the reader to examine the education model I have developed as each of the above components have either been completed or are in the process of completion. You can find my education model at my website at https://melhawkinsandassociates.com/education-model-white-paper/ along with an accompanying white paper written to introduce the education model’s logical foundation. You will also find my blog, Education, Hope, and the American Dream, with over 150 posts on the challenges facing public schools, their teachers, and students.
The education model is based upon my 40 years of organizational leadership and consulting experience; my experience working with kids, which began in 1966 and included nine years as a juvenile probation officer and supervisor, as a board member of a Montessori School, and as a co-founder of a Boys and Girls Club; two masters degrees, an MSEd in Psychology; and an MPA in public management; my own research and writing in the areas of the principles of positive leadership, organizational development, and systems thinking; and, my experience in the classroom over a ten-year period from 2002 through 2011, during which I walked in the shoes of public school teachers as a substitute in a diverse urban, public school district.
Although I have great confidence that my model will work to produce the outcomes we seek, I have and offer no illusions that it is the only possible solution. Also, I can assure the reader that it is and will always be a work in process. The reader is challenged to use my education model as a starting point to help you understand so that you can offer suggestions to improve my model or develop a better solution, if you can. You are advised, however, to relinquish any and all beliefs that the existing model can be modified, incrementally, to meet the needs of all of our nation’s children. Incremental changes to the current process is what got us where we are today and can only complicate things more than they already are.
Finally, I challenge the reader to understand that all the complaining and talk in the world will not fix the problems in public education. Neither will our complaints deter the efforts of the powerful men and women promoting what they call “Choice.” To stop them we must render them irrelevant and the only thing that works to solve such real-life challenges is applying the imagination of human beings working together for a common purpose.
Whether my model or yours, I challenge all of you to rally behind a solution as a united group of professional men and women dedicated to providing the highest possible quality of education for the children of our nation. It public education on which the futures of our nation’s children depends and it is our children on whom our nation’s future depend.
Please share this article, education model and white paper with everyone you know and ask them to join you in a crusade to transform public education in America. It may be the most important thing you will ever be asked to do for your country or for society, as a whole.
In this third segment of my series of videos on Inequality and education, which is the civil rights issue of our time, I answer the 2nd of the two most important questions in education:
Why do some kids succeed in spite of the tremendous disadvantages they face?
The first question was “Why do so many kids fail?
Today’s question is the most important of the two because as important as it is that we understand why kids fail, it is even more important to understand how some kids overcome their disadvantage and enjoy academic success.
When we begin to understand what works we can work to replicate that success.
The key to success of these wonderful exceptions is that the kids who break out of poverty to become successful, academically, and go on to lead productive lives is that these children were supported by a parent or guardian who was fiercely determined that an education would provide a way out of poverty for their child.
These parents, grandparents, or other guardians worked hard to instill a powerful motivation to learn in their son or daughter; they did everything they could to prepare their child for academic success; they make sure their child does their work; and, when their child struggles they work patiently with them to make sure they learn.
What they also do is show up at school and get to know their child’s teacher. They often initiate this contact out of suspicion and mistrust because they are fearful that the teacher will not be looking out for their child’s best interests. These parents and guardians are, after all, part of multiple generations of men and women who have always failed in school and have always been poor. Their experiences with their own teachers are often unhappy memories.
Once they get to know their child’s teachers and begin to witness the success that their child enjoys and hear how much their child loves that teacher, these parents or other family members become committed partners, sharing responsibility for the education of their kids.
This partnership is a powerful thing that not only preserves the child’s motivation to learn; it fuels that motivation. It is a crucial variable in the education equation.
It is the creation of such partnerships that we need to replicate. Such replication is easy if the parent is already engaged and committed but it becomes an extraordinary challenge when they are not so engaged. Very often, in addition to their suspicion, these parents and guardians are indifferent and have few positive expectations. How can they have positive expectations when their own experiences were disappointing and disillusioning?
In Part 4 of my series on education and inequality, we will talk about what it is that teachers must do to pull these parents in as partners. Inevitably, the answer depends on creating opportunities for the child to enjoy success.
It is such a sad thing that so many children are failing and the adverse consequences for both the children and society are incalculable. It doesn’t have to be that way but we cannot alter this reality until we change the way we task, structure, support, and resource the education process that is the milieu in which teachers live and work. This requires positive leadership from our principals, superintendents, college professors who train teachers, and policy makers who are in charge of the mission, vision, and values of public education; the people who have strategic responsibility.
What is frustrating is that it is so easy to change. All we need to do is refuse to let kids fail. Teachers, however, are unable to “refuse to let kids fail” when the education process is focused on failure than structured to focus on success.
5.0 out of 5 stars Rated 5 stars. This one will become a future classic., March 23, 2017 By vermont reviewer
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This review is from: Light and Transient Causes (Kindle Edition) Light and Transient Causes by Mel Hawkins reminded me of other classics like 1984 and animal farm. Well written and certainly one that will make you think long after you finish reading it. I was impressed with the story and I thought the author did a wonderful job with the characterization in the story. I would love to read more novels by this author. I have rated the story a solid 5 stars.